
Tell us about your Men’s Group!

Get your Men’s Group Going! Check-in on our “Men’s Ministry Survey” for assistance:  Men’s Ministry Survey

One Year To Live Logo

One Year To Live – A Men’s Retreat

Details, Dates, and Locations found here.

Project Twelve Logo

Resources Encouraging Men to Be Better

Visit https://projecttwelve.net/

Bold Gathering Logo

What does it mean to be a Bold Daring Follower of Jesus? Come find out!

Join our 2022 Virtual Gathering. More information at the Bold Gathering Webpage

 Men’s Ministry Leaders Guide

This 26 page supplement offers proven advice on starting an effective men’s ministry.  It covers 12 distinctive for a healthy men’s ministry.

Learn More

Un Ministerio Sano de Varones

Nuestra misión es fortalecer la fe, las relaciones y el ministerio de los varones mediante los recursos que publicamos, los eventos que producimos y el desarrollo continuo de líderes.

Este ministerio gira alrededor del encuentro de los varones con Jesucristo y de la ayuda de nuestra expresión nacional para que las congregaciones contribuyan a que suceda. Aprende más.


Foundations | The LMM Newsletter

It is our desire that foundations will be a source of personal spiritual growth, as well to provide information for those involved in congregational Lutheran Men’s Ministries.

Men in Mission